
Yoga is understood by many people to be rather exotic style of physical training with perhaps a bit of meditation. Physical is only one of many Yoga aspects. There is great variety of approaches, methods and philosophies in practice by great number of schools. It is important not to limit ones understanding of yoga to just one or two better known Yoga practices. Literally yoga means “to unite” depending upon the school and it’s philosophy. The meaning “to unite” is interpreted differently but the most common meaning is unification of body and mind. Yoga is method of holistic healing and spiritual development.

Zen Yoga

Zen Yoga is specific style of yoga which is based on principles of Chinese school of Buddhism called Chan or in Japanese – Zen. Three very important forms of Chan practice are utilized within Zen Yoga which are presenting model of holistic approach to life, and they are:

– bringing body to order
– bringing breath to  order
– bringing mind to order.

Zen Yoga as the discipline of bringing body, breath and mind into a balanced state, is applying a wide variety of body postures, breathing exercises, diagnosis, corrective exercises, massage and meditation. It includes hatha yoga postures, but also many daoyin exercises.

Studio/Beach Yoga Drop in $20
5 Class Pass $90
10 Class Pass $160


Yoga on the beach

NEW! We are offering “Yoga on the Beach” every day starting from late June through labor Day Weekend, drop-in  $20.

Where: South Village Beach in West Dennis

Directions: Rt.134 going south, cross Rt.28, continue on Swan River Rd. to Lower County Rd., take right and first left to South Village Rd., the beach is at the end of the road

When: July & August, Everyday at 7:30 am

Fee: Drop in only  $20 (Please pay online below, or by Venmo to the teacher before or after the class)

Questionable Weather
Please call the studio and listen to our message if you are not sure if a class will be held when the weather is questionable.

Note to yoga students:
If you plan to stay at the beach after the class, you either need to have a
beach sticker or to pay for parking.

Drop in $20  

Click here to learn more about Zen Yoga and Yoga Services offered at our studio