WELCOME! We are a group of Independent Yoga and QiGong Teachers who have banded together as a cooperative to provide access to all whom may want to attend classes. All classes are offered by donation to each teacher. We recommend $15 to $25 per class.
Check our schedule.
For online links please contact teacher directly:
Sasha 508-648-4728 guogen@aol.com
Lynnette 508-733-2622 ccyogacenter@aol.com
Tammy 774-810-5484 tamralync@comcast.net
Tina 508-274-1072 www.opentowisdom.org
Song 508-333-2001 sutthimaitree@hotmail.com
David 617-953-3318 dsilver@ymaa.com
Sue Lovett 617-921-1037 samlovett@comcast.net
Kathleen Warren 508-776-2178 kathwarren@comcast.net